From Summer to Spring

As The Season Changes
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It’s lunch time. The small café located in a busy area of Yeouido is cramped with customers that mostly look profesional in their suits or blouses. At least 10 persons are standing in front of the cashier, waiting for their turn to order some drinks and food. A girl with a tied hair is standing behind the cashier machine. Almost automatically, the girl looks at the front door when the sound of bell above the door heard.

“Well, your boyfriend is late today, sajangnim,” said the girl to a petite man standing not very far from her. The man looks over his shoulder and puts an annoyance face.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” replied the so-called-sajangnim while resuming his work.

The girl with a name tag Lee Myun Hee only laughs. “Yeah… you can say no as much as you want. But we, all of us, know the truth.” Yesung, the employer, can only roll his eyes. His employee can be waay to straightforward sometimes



By using both of his hands to cover his head, Siwon ran as fast as possible towards the front door of the hospital. The man could clearly feel the beads of sweat running on his back. Siwon never liked summer. It must be because his weird body metabolism that could produce excessive sweat even in warm temperature. He even hated being under the sun during the spring. The said man only needed to be in a 30 degree temperature – be it indoor or outdoor – and his body would be soaked in sweat.

Siwon let a loud sigh when he finally enters the lobby of the hospital. He took a few minute to smell his own body, making sure he did not smell that bad after being under the sun for almost half an hour. Siwon started walking inside the hospital, passing some nurses and doctors along the corridor. The said man headed toward the third floor of the hospital building.

After around 5 minutes, Siwon finally reached a room. Two pieces of paper crafted beautifully in form of flowers were plastered on the door. One name was written on each paper. Han Yu Chae. Lee Bom. Siwon smiled bitterly seeing the names. There were still two names eventhough the room was only occupied by one person now.

Siwon reached the door handle. But suddenly some one inside the room opened the door. A man came out of the room. He looked quite young, probably around Siwon’s age but quite shorter than the said guy. Both of the men looked surprised, but they eventually smiled to each other while exchanging small greetings before the shorter guy walked passed Siwon.

Siwon finally came inside and saw the only patient occupying the room. There were two beds placed facing each other inside the room. A 15-year-old teenager sat on one of the beds.

“No other patient sent to this room?” asked Siwon while taking the seat next to the occupied bed.

Lee Bom was the name of the girl. She was once a cheerful girl, as bright as the spring. But now she looked gloomy more often. Maybe because of her illness and the treatment she had to go through.

Bom’s mother had long gone, leaving the girl with her father who had to work almost every day. The teenage girl had no sibling so his father personally requested her daughter placed in a room with another patient to keep her company. Siwon, himself, is not Bom’s relative. He was merely Bom’s neighbor but both of them were pretty close. They had known each other long before Bom fell sick .

Bom suffered from cancer. And just like any other cancer patients, no one could really predict whether they would recover or passed away.

“Spring has long passed, sweety.” Siwon reached one of Bom’s hand and caressed it softly.

Yu Chae, Bom’s roommate passed away not long after spring came this year. After Yu Chae’s death, Bom refused to share her room with another patiet. Yet, she also rejected her father’s idea of moving to a single-bed room.

“Don’t you feel lonely?” asked Siwon again, carefully.

The said girl looked at the empty bed. “If oppa knows I’m being lonely, why don’t you come more often?”

Siwon could catch the sad look on Bom’s face, making the tall guy felt more guilty. Siwon bit his lip. He knew he hadn’t visited Bom quite often lately. He was in his last year in university and had been quite busy with his final assignments.

“I’m really sorry. I promise I will visit you more often, eoh?” Siwon put his best aegyo.

Bom crossed her arms and showed her angry face with pouting lips, still not looking at the man.

“Bom-ah.” Siwon called out the girl name as soft as possible.

“Eumm…” But the said girl only replied in a short hum coldly.

“Don’t you miss oppa?”

There wa quite long silent before Bom chuckled loudly, resulting a big smile from Siwon. He knew he had earned forgiveness.

“Okay… I will forgive you, but under one condition.” Siwon noded his head, signaling he listened to Bom’s request. “The guy oppa met before. He is Jong Jin samcheon.”

Siwon tried to recall the name. He knew he had heard that Jong Jin name somewhere. Bom sometimes talked about his relatives though Siwon had to admit that he had met only very few of them. Jong Jin must be one of Bom’s relatives he hadn’t met yet.

“Ah! That glasses store owner?!” exclaimed Siwon, suddenly. He finally remembered who this Jong Jin guy was.

Bom clapped his hand. “Yes. That one! Jong Jin samcheon has one older brother.”

“Wait a minute!” Siwon cut Bom’s sentence. “You’re not trying to set me up with his brother, right?”

“Ani!” replied Bom. “Oppa only needs to do something simple. A simple mission from me.”

But then a grin was formed on that supposed-to-be-innocent face, “…but I don’t mind if oppa becomes Yesung samcheon lover later. I think you can make a good couple.” Followed by a typical giggle of a teenager.

“Okay. Let’s hear your request first.”

“Oppa is a good cook, right?”

Siwon had been quite famous for his above-average skill in cooking. Bom used to help Siwon and her mother cooking. Long time ago, when her mother was still alive and she was a healthy, cheerful girl. Siwon still loves to cook for Bom, though. Due to her treatment, there were times when Bom was super cranky. When her mood was down, she usually refused to eat anything prepared by the hospital and Siwon had to cook for her.

“So…. Jong Jin samcheon told me that Yesung samcheon has just broken up with his boyfriend for a super silly reason. Yesung samcheon’s boyfriend said that he is too fat. Uri samcheon? Fat! That’s just a stupid reason! Tsk.”

“Bom-ah… watch your language.” Siwon reminded the teenager.

Bom jut out his bottom lip. “Sorry,” she said in a very low voice.

“So, what should I do?” asked Siwon with a frown on his face.

“Yesung samcheon starts doing his super strict diet. I don’t know why he really believes his jerk ex-boyfriend words about his weight.”

“Bom-ah.” Again, Siwon reminded the girl about his rude word.

“But oppa…. I don’t think Yesung samcheon is fat. He is just fine! But because of that…” The girl almost cursed another bad words but then she held her tongue when she noticed Siwon’s stern face.

“…because of that ex-boyfriend’s reason…. Now, all of us are worried about Yesung samcheon’s condition. So…..”

Siwon waited the request anxiously. He really hoped it was not something ridiculous like sending food to that particular samcheon.

“I want oppa making food for uri samcheon.”

Dang! He was so freaking right. Why he had to be right?

Siwon chew his bottom lips while trying to arrange some reasons to refuse Bom’s request. The girl seemed so determined and it must be hard to change her mind.




The scorching heat of summer really pissed Siwon off today. The muscular guy wiped the sweat on his temple for the umpteenth time. He scoffed loudly while walking on the busy sidewalk. Siwon cursed under his breath, complaining about people who still believe that global warming is just a myth. With the summer that was getting worse in every year, the issue was too real to be called as a bluff from scientists.

Siwon finally stopped in front of a café located on one of crowded area of Yeouido. Through the large window, he could see the inside of the café. The place did not look that big. There was this long counter for cashier and the barista on one side, and chairs and tables for dine in customers on the other side. Many action figures were placed on shelves hanging low on the wall.

After taking one deep breath, Siwon finally stepped inside the café. The refreshing breeze from the Air Conditioner welcomed the grumbling guy, creating a smile on his handsome face instantly. After placing his backpack on one of the empty chairs, Siwon headed to the cashier. The said guy looked at the menu written on the upper wall right across him. He was not there for the drinks or the cakes and pastries. He was there for the owner of the café, his very mission.

Siwon scanned the counter in front of him. There were only two employees working. One was standing as the cashier and one was preparing the drinks and food. Siwon scrunched his eyes, trying to read the names written on their tag name. Nope. None of them was Kim Yesung, as Bom informed many times.

Right when it was his turn to take order, the door that was probably leading to the backside of the store was being opened and a guy showed up. He tapped the shoulder of the man who was currently taking out two sandwiches from the microwave.

“You order, sir?” The girl standing behind the cashier called Siwon for the third time.

“Ah, sorry.” Siwon could’t help but feeling embarrass. He finally ordered an Americano with lots of ice and syrup before heading back to his seat.

Once he returned to his place, Siwon could finally observe the Yesung Bom had been talking about. Siwon was a little bit over 180 cm and Yesung was probably shorter than him, though he looked a bit taller than average girls. His hair was jet black. Siwon guessed that the guy purposively made his hair looks messy. Some of the bangs covered his small eyes. Siwon’s gaze now fell on the guy’s plump lips, contrasted pretty much with his milky skin.

“Siwon-ssi.” Now, Siwon had the honour to hear Yesung’s voice.

Siwon stood up and takes his order. For a couple second Siwon was planning to tell Yesung about his mission, but then his hesitation won and he eventually dragged his feet back to his seat after saying one “thanks” to Yesung.

Siwon opened the zipper of his backpack and looked inside the bag. Three lunchboxes were still in their places. He had prepared the food since early in the morning, making sure that they had perfect combination of protein, fiber and carbohydrat. But even after all the troubles he had to get through to prepare the lunch, Siwon still couldn’t find the courage to greet Yesung, let alone delivering the lunch to the guy.

“I want oppa preparing food for Yesung samcheon,” requested Bom with her big, cute, pleading eyes. Making Siwon’s heart melted and finally nodded in agreement.

“I just want samcheon gain at least two kilos. Uri Jong Jin samcheon said that Sungie samcheon is too thin right now.”

Mission accepted but far from being accomplished.

Siwon just couldn’t find the right sentence to open the conversation. How he should greet Yesung. How he should tell the guy about the lunch he has made. And the most important thing was Siwon did not want to look like as if he was a lunatic fan or stalker of Yesung.

After countless time of telling himself to stand up, Siwon finally made up his mind. With all of his courage, the tall guy finally stood up and walked to the counter, right where Yesung standing. But a voice calling out Yesung’s name halted Siwon’s step just right before the said

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404 streak #1
Chapter 1: Cliffhanger indeed!!! We need more than this 🤭
withrye #2
Chapter 1: What with the cliffhanger 😭😭
Yes i read the warning about you not promise for a happy ending and was prepare my heart for crying like maybe for someine dying or passed away BUT I DIDN'T expect it to end here just like that like wtf i was about to see yesung try to open his heart again but you are so mean to end it here 😭
SiWonYesung #3
Chapter 1: Fkwldkalznsñsna #Yewon ❤
CloudFly #4
Chapter 1: It's beautiful fict with Yewon pair aahhh I love This @.@~
jongwoontrash #5


Yesungie vomiting his food hnngh why do i feel it's accurate. His jerk of an ex-boyfriend can go choke lol.

I love it! I'm so sad about Bom tho :( By the way,I think you made a lil error and the newphew should be niece? Haha. It's so goooood. :< Siwonis too adorable too awww~ and obviously i love the employee hahahaha aisssh i actually want a sequel hnnngh hahahah but already, thank you so much for this thank yoooooou fighting for yewon! And I've read your works before too and thumbs up they're so good!
Melodyewonkyu #6
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD

The story flew very well but poor Bom can not made it and die at the end.
Maybe it's the destiny, YeWon relationship will growth a little bit closer and closer until Spring will come.
That's a lot of hope to be waiting for Spring this year.

Seriously Yesung habit in your story about to vomit after meal quite make me think he do it a real life.
He too skinny and wish he will be fine and stronger.
Coz his drama quite popular, So he need to get healthy and a lot of activity awaiting for SJ come back.
ELF please look forward to SJ, Keep fighting.

Finally thank you for your sharing, I don't know I'm talking about but I'm really glad and touching for your work.